
Ich bin jetzt seit knapp drei Monaten wieder aus Peru zurück und kann schon gar nicht mehr zählen, wie oft mir die Frage: „Und, wie war Peru?“ gestellt wurde. Dabei fällt mir dann immer wieder auf, wie wenig ich eigentlich von den typischen Reisezielen gesehen habe, von denen Peru Unmengen zu bieten hat. In 3…

Travelphorography – soccer with the Fairmail team

In Peru I worked with Fairmail. A small organization helping kids to earn money with photography. One day we organized a fun little soccer game with another NGO called Mundo de ninos. A lot of the teenagers in Fairmail are recruited from Mundo de ninos. This day has helped to bring the kids of both…

Travelling with Cystic Fibrosis

I hate it. I hate talking about my medical condition. On the one hand I do not enjoy satisfying people´s curiosity and on the other hand, which is the bigger part, I do not wish to give this sickness any room. I refuse to let it determine my every day live, I refuse to let…

Reisen mit Mukoviszidose

Ich hasse es. Ich hasse es über meine Krankheit reden zu müssen. Zum einen, weil ich es unfassbar anstrengend finde, die Neugier anderer Menschen zu befriedigen, die nicht in der Lage sind Google zu bedienen. Zum anderen und viel größeren Teil, weil ich mich weigere diese Krankheit Raum zu geben. Ich weigere mich, sie meinen…

Peruvian bus rides

Today, for the first time, I have used one of these battered, little VW busses for a drive between Huanchaco and Trujillo and first of all I would like to take the opportunity here to very briefly describe this experience as the following: What. The. Actual. Fuck. These busses are literally the live equivalent to…

Alternative Peru – english version

Lima grows and grows and grows and probably „rampant growth“ would be a much more exact choice of words. According to the German Department of Foreign Affairs the average yearly growth of population is around 1.13 percent. Within the last 50 years the population of the inner city octuplicated and two-thirds of the overall population…