I should have left you

I should have left you When I told you about my sexual abuse and your first question was if I would use that story to impress people. I should have left you When 2 years later you told me, that I should finally get over it. I should have left you When you were mad…

Challenging myself

Ursprünglich veröffentlicht auf yasminzohra:
I have never really challenged myself – I am one of the laziest person I ever met. I live my life, day to day, spending most of my time sitting in bed binge watching netflix, tv or youtube and pretending to be a student going to university three times…

London, Rickman and broken glasses

In the year 2002 I took a quite rickety overland bus drive to London, just to see Alan Rickman in the award-winning British production of Noel Coward’s play „Private Lives“. Having just developed a huge crush on the actor after seeing him in „Sense and Sensibility“, nothing was going to stop me from this live experience….

What to do in Huanchaco

Today it´s been one month that I am living in Huanchaco and once again I am sitting at my favorite place, famous little Chocolate Café. When arriving here on the 28th of February from chaotic, noisy Lima, this quiet little surfer town felt like a huge relieve. The sound of the ocean, the wind blowing…